Advanced negotiations and prejudicial settlement

At present, the pre-judicial procedures for dispute resolution are widely applied. The pre-judicial dispute resolution procedure means the parties' interaction aimed at resolving conflict situations and disagreements without recourse to a court. Our firm’s specialists will assist you in the pre-judicial dispute resolution and prepare all necessary documents for the formation of an evidentiary basis to justify your position.

Negotiations are of particular importance in the dispute resolution process and the outcome of such negotiations often determines not only the result of a particular transaction but also the further vector of business development, its growth and prospects. The legal team of Voronov & Partners LLP provides services on holding and arranging complex business negotiations.

  • Participation in negotiations with partners and clients;
  • Pre-judicial dispute resolution;
  • Negotiation process arrangement;
  • Carrying out mediation procedures with a professional mediator involved.

We perceive negotiations as chess play. The more factors, the more difficult transaction is, regardless of its value as the price is only one of numerous significant factors.  Even such professionals in negotiations as entrepreneurs and investment bankers need legal support for proper assessment of risk factors, assets characterization, influence through arguments and prevention of perverse effects in the form of litigation. Our aim is to support our clients with our experience in Kazakhstan in order to achieve results taking into account decades of our successful practice in various fields of economics and law with players of different levels.

The ability to successfully conduct complex negotiations is fundamental for the achievement of significant goals set in any transaction or legal process. Such transactions depend not so much on technology or level of counterparties’ reputation but on the ability to more effectively deal with potentially conflict situations in negotiations as well as finding and using their advantages and position as a reasonable and timely action.

It is very important to simultaneously maximize the benefit for your interests while maintaining the balance of interests for the stability of transactions.  Not everyone is able to correctly convey important negative information to opponents but such inaction is comparable to clinging to a grenade whose pin has already been pulled out. At the same time, starting complex negotiations without understanding all nuances, positions and interests is as good as listening to opera without music. You will understand the plot but you will not understand the meaning. Listening and hearing your opponent is a key quality for development of reliable relationships with business partners.

We can help to close the transaction with maximum profitable way for our clients.

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